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Plans and Pricing
Choose a plan that suits you and pay only when you attend a class.
Use group credits for all types of classes
Buy a group pass and you can join all types of group classes. We have:
- Conversation classes
- General English classes
- Mini classes
Free cancellation
No more make up lessons.
No more fixed lessons for a term/semester.
You book, pay and attend classes when you want. Free cancellation for group classes at least 24 hours before the start of class.
Meet different teachers & classmates
With the flexible booking system, you can meet different teachers and students. You can choose different classes, days and timings based on your personal schedule and preferences.
Take a break
We know you are busy with your family, friends and you need me time.
Book, pay and attend classes when you can. Take a break and go for a holiday without worrying about your classes.
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