Can I help you?
파트너와 논의하세요:
1. Do you have a favourite clothes shop in Singapore/in your own country? Why do you like this shop?
2. Do you think customer service in Singapore is good? Is it different to your country? Is it better or worse?
3. Can you get a refund after you buy something in your country?
4. Have you ever worked in a shop? Do you know anyone who works in a shop? How was it?

1. Work in groups. Think of:
three reasons you might take things back to a shop.
three ways you might help another customer in a shop.
three reasons why you might complain about a shop.
three questions you might ask a member of staff in a shop.
three things a shop assistant might ask you when you pay.
2. 🔊 Listen to five conversations. Match each conversation (1-5) to one of the situations below and answer the question.
a. a customer taking something back to the shop
Why do they take it back?
b. a customer helping another customer
How do they help?
c. a customer complaining
What do they complain about?
d. a customer asking a member of staff a question
What do they ask?
e. a shop assistant asking a question
What do they ask?
3. Work in pairs. Decide what conversations these phrases came from. Explain your decisions.
the button was loose
it's a bit plain
About time!
You'll grow into it.
a manufacturing fault
the stationery department
I have a lot to get.
they're at a reduced price
have something in stock
I've got the receipt.
I'll wrap it for you.
It's typical!
4. 🔊 Listen again and check your answers to Exercise 3.
5. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
What was the last thing you did to help someone?
What was the last present you bought? Who for? What was the occasion? Did you wrap it? Did they like it?
When was the last time you took something back to a shop? What happened?
Did your parents ever make you wear something you didn't like when you were a child?
Did you have any favourite clothes when you were younger? What were they?
Offering to help and responding
Look at the pattern for offering to help from the conversations in Exercise 2.
A: Do you want to go first?
B: Are you sure?
A: Yes, of course. I have a lot to get.
B: Great. Thanks.
We also often use will to offer (e.g. I'll wrap it for you) and You don’t mind? to check.
6 Put a-e in the correct order in the two conversations. The first line in conversation 1 is done for you.
Conversation 1
a) Gosh. That's heavy.
b) Of course. I'm happy to help.
c) Are you sure?
d) That's great. Thanks so much.
e) Do you want me to carry it to your car?
Conversation 2
a) No, of course not. I'm actually going there too.
b) I'll show you, if you like.
c) Oh right. Thanks.
d) You don't mind?
e) Where's the men's clothes department?
We use 'more' or '-er' or 'not as' with adjectives and adverbs to make comparisons.
8 Look at these sentences from the listening.
a) Do you have this in a smaller size?
b) It’s a bit plain. Do you have anything a bit prettier?
c) Their service is much more reliable.
d) It’s not as nice as the one we saw before.
9 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the word.
They're a bit loose when I walk. Do you have them in a _____ size? (small)
It looks too complicated for my gran. Do you have one which is _____ to use? (easy)
It's a bit tight round my shoulders. Do you have a _____ size? (big)
I need something _____ for an interview. Have you got anything a bit _____? (smart)
It doesn't look very strong. Have you got one which is a bit _____ quality? Something which will last a bit _____? (good, long)
It's a bit plain and dark. Have you got something a bit _____, a bit _____? (bright, colourful)
It'll probably be _____ for the baby, but it's a bit heavy and it'll be difficult to carry up and down stairs. Have you got something _____, something a bit _____ that you can fold _____? (comfortable, practical, light, easily).
10 Work in groups. Discuss what you think the people are talking about in each sentence in Exercise 9.
11. Think of an adjective or adverb beginning with each letter. What is the comparitive form? e.g. A=active=more active B=big=bigger...
12 Work in groups. Choose five of the following to discuss. Then think of two examples of each.
a supermarket
a clothes shop / website
an electronics shop / website
a market
a pool / sports centre
a place to eat / buy food
a mobile phone
a car
a TV channel
13 Decide which of the two examples you prefer in each case and explain why. Discuss your choices.